• POT HOLE Arkiverad
    1274 Ella T Grasso Boulevard New Haven, Connecticut - Edgewood
  • Chapel & Crown Chapel & Church, New Haven, Connecticut - Town_Green
    During RUSH HOUR cars are routinely parked or idling in the turning lanes from Church St to Crown and from Church St to Chapel. The later is often a parked police car. The traffic flow would be more effective for the Gateway students and thru traffic if these lanes were not obstructed.
  • 1848-1932 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut - Westville

    Want a 4way red traffic light at Yale and Chapel ? Here is a note from Alderman Adam Marchand:
    Are you concerned about vehicles speeding through our neighborhood? Do you want to pursue having traffic calming measures installed in parts of Westville? I encourage you to contact me in order to learn about how to fill out a Complete Streets Application and to build local support for your proposed changes to the streetscape. Want to learn more? Let me know.

    Curious about what traffic calming measures that City is trying out these days? I point your attention to Chapel Street at the intersection of Alden Avenue. In that area you can see signage, road paint, traffic-diverting islands, bumped-out curbs and a speed indicator sign. You can see a similar treatment on Cleveland Road at its intersection with Roger Road. Check out these places!

  • 1848-1932 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut - Westville
    It is time that the neighborhood coalesces to form a constituency supporting a change to the blinking light at Yale and Chapel to be a four way RED blinking light. All the reasons for not proceeding with this change that have been mentioned over the years are without merit and incorrect. The ONLY reason that a change has not be implemented is because the effected neighbors have not formed a constituency to request the change be made. Yale will not loose the flexibility to control the intersection during events, the modification will not require a financial commitment, but the safety and quality of life in that area would be enhanced. The alderman are not going to pursue this with the city unless there is a constituency of neighbors that will invest some time to make the request.
  • 27-35 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut - Town_Green
    Extremely poor traffic pattern while Church St lane divider is in place.
    Traffic Dept should eliminate parking on Right side and temporarily move the bus stop so that traffic can flow less impeded.
  • Potholes Arkiverad
    1655-1799 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut - Edgewood
    Bridge Joints sunken causing pothole like condition - East and West direction at both ends of the bridge
  • Potholes Arkiverad
    1655-1799 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut - Edgewood
    There are sunken sections and uneven surfaces on either side of the bridge and the seams that connect the bridge to the road. There is no way to avoid vehicle damage. Please drop some tar patch before the weather turns and makes patching impracticable.
  • Potholes Arkiverad
    1672 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut - Edgewood
    There are sunken sections and uneven surfaces on either side of the bridge and the seams that connect the bridge to the road. There is no way to avoid vehicle damage. Please drop some tar patch before the weather turns and makes patching impracticable.