Open Issues: 56 Closed Issues: 39 Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 1
Watching issues created after: 2012-02-11

Notified About

  • I-20 Between Highways 6 And 378 Lexington, SC - Lexington
    The number of accidents, the commuting time and the stress are rapidly increasing on this stretch of I-20. Please add a new lane going east to improve the flow of traffic and our safety.
  • Mineral Springs Rd / Cedar Rd / Cromer Rd Lexington, SC 29072 - Lexington
    Need 4 Way Stop Sign
  • 378 At Powell Drive Lexington, SC - Lexington
    There needs to be a sign telling drivers to "Stop Here on Red" to help prevent them from blocking the intersection to access Powell Drive. This is already indicated indicated by the big white X that is ignored.
  • Swartz Rd Lexington, SC - Lexington
    This is a very dangerous and busy intersection with a blind spot. I have many times almost been rear ended pulling out onto Hwy 1.
  • LIGHT Open
    East Main Street Lexington, SC - Lexington
    There needs to be a light at the intersection of Swartz Rd. and East Main the sun sometimes obstructs vision and its hard to turn to the left or the right due to the constant high volume of traffic
  • Columbia Ave & West Main St Lexington, SC - Lexington
    There is too much traffic going straight from w main st to columbia ave. There needs to be a turn signal from columbia ave light turning left onto W main street past walgreens & harbor inn resturant. It isn't save to try to turn since it is difficult to see past all the cars turning onto old chapin rd.
  • St. Andrews Rd Eastbound Entrance To I-26 East Lexington, SC - Lexington
    Drivers travelling eastboubnd on St. Andrews Road force thwemselves into the on ramp to I-26 makiing the entrabnce ramp have two lanes of traffic. They enter at high speeds and force drivers to take evasive action.
  • Lexington County Hospital Lexington, SC - Lexington
    Hospital Exit for 378 from 26. I have to wait for cars to let you into traffic and I work at Lexington Medical Center. There is always a line of cars on the exit trying to make that right turn onto 378. There is no light, just a stop sign. Traffic on 378 will not allow you to enter to the right. It is difficult to get to work on time.
  • 116 Conventry Lake Drive Lexington, South Carolina - Lexington
    The renters who lived in this home moved out last summer. 2 broken green recycling receptacles and a large grey broken trashcan have joined the leaves, yard debris and solid litter that cover the sidewalk, curb and street in front of the house. Someone has parked an old purple Chevy truck in the driveway, although no one currently lives in the home.
  • Ellis Avenue Lexington, SC - Lexington
    This road has bumps and holes from Columbia Ave. to Park Rd. It gets "fixed up" about once a year, but it only takes a month or so to return to terrible condition. It needs to be completely redone.
  • 1036 Spring Hill Road Gilbert - Lexington
    Continuous road damage on each side of Spring Hill Road from Spool Wheel Road to Saint Paul's Church Road. There is no longer any room on either side for a small car to fit without going into constant holes. Spring Hill was repaved to spool wheel- why not finish to the remaining small section to Augusta Road?
  • Sunset Blvd(378) And Cromer Rd Lexington, SC - Lexington
    Coming from Cromer Rd onto Sunset Blvd/378, the light takes forever to give you green. When it finally does, traffic coming from the road across 378 from Cromer often utilizes most of the time and few if any cars from Cromer get to turn left to head toward I-20 or Lexington. A left turn arrow is badly needed to allow traffic on Cromer time to make a left turn to go to I-20 or Lexington.