
  • 32178-32228 Ryan Rd Warren, MI, 48092, USA - Warren
    Why the sudden INCREASE in potholes, stone debris, rocks on the Ryan Road Red Run Bridge ? It was NOT always like this, the bridge was re-newed recently, and it seems to be dying.
  • 31512-31568 Dequindre Rd Warren, MI, 48092, USA - Warren
    The DEQUINDRE INTERCEPTOR - yeah that one
    A massive pipe inbetween the 2 counties
    buried under the road , for RAIN and Sewage.
    Well, what happens when it Storms,
    and WHOLE LOT OF RAIN goes into the pipe
    -- it begins to back up , surcharge, overflow.
    SEWAGE MIX goes in Warren, MI
    and fills the Red Run Drain (capacity we need in Warren)
  • Andiamo 7096 E 14 Mile Rd, Warren, MI, 48092, USA - Warren
    The stormdrain by Andiamo on 14 Mile & Hollingsworth is clogged with lots of debris. A NATURAL GAS pipeline project is currently being drilled in the area as well - going UNDER the drain, under Andiamos parking lot ?
  • 32077-32187 Ryan Rd Warren, MI, 48092, USA - Warren
    When the level of the Red Run Drain surpassed the stormdrain pipe, it becomes UNDERWATER, aka SUBMERGED, some might say SURCHARGED due to the water volume of the the Red Run Drain coming UP to the bridge deck.
  • 223-299 S Leroy St Fenton, MI 48430, USA - Fenton
    Signage alerting drivers to paddler carrying canoes and kayaks across the street. They can't paddle over the dam - they must walk in traffic. Perhaps stripes on the pavement indicating crosswalk.
  • Shiatown Dam Arkiverad
    4802-4882 Bennington Rd Durand, MI 48429, USA - Shiawassee County

    Antiquated dam providing NO flood control and is dangerous. Removal eliminates danger, creates more park acreage, and returns the river to its natural free flow.

    Owner - Michigan Land Bank
    Jeff Huntington
    Senior Property Analyst