
  • pot hole Arkiverad
    4800 Timberhill Dr Nashville, TN - Crieve Hall
    In the street in front of 4800 timberhill dr there is a pot hole. It looks like the sewer pipe might have a break in it.
  • pot hole Arkiverad
    4800 Timberhill Dr Nashville, TN - Crieve Hall
    In the street in front of 4800 timberhill dr there is a pot hole. It looks like the sewer pipe might have a break in it.
  • pot hole Arkiverad
    4800 Timberhill Dr Nashville, TN - Crieve Hall
    In the street in front of 4800 timberhill dr there is a pot hole. It looks like the sewer pipe might have a break in it.
  • traffic light Arkiverad
    4813 Timberhill Dr nashville, TN - Crieve Hall
    At Trousdale and Harding Pl the light works all night. My suggestion is that btween the hours of 0230 am and 0530 am that the light be set to go on flashing at these hours. Yellow on Harding Place and Red on Trousdale. Reason, if you miss the light, you set there for about 3 min. No cars on road but me.
  • bushes Arkiverad
    4813 Timberhill Dr nashville, TN - Crieve Hall
    The northeast corner of timberhill and blackman,
    bushes needs cutting again.