
  • 69 Grand Ave New Haven, CT 06513, USA - Chatham Square
    leaking hydrant
  • 11 Grand Ave New Haven, CT 06513, USA - Chatham Square
    pedestrian signal button not working. please fix asap.
  • 29 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Chatham Square

    What does one do when after he/she works for several hours clearing the sidewalk and driveway around their property like good citizens, and the city trucks come later and block the driveway up to the knee with wet snow that can not be lifted or blown away?

    It's really not fair and truly disrecpectful! And it happens EVERY TIME! Can't we change that pattern? @ Doughausladen?

    I don't want to be sarcastic here, but can't the city be respectful and do its job without making ours double? Doubled the expense on our human bodies or our wallets + cost on our taxes used to pay the city employes.

    I know, i am going to get the usual comments from xyz and others, and no, i don't want to move away to the beautiful, safe suburbs.

  • 29 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Chatham Square
  • Policing Issue Arkiverad
    4 E Grand Ave New Haven, Connecticut - Chatham Square
    Homeless camp. Person sitting under the tarp. Alive?
  • Broken glass Arkiverad
    19 Grand Ave New Haven, Connecticut - Chatham Square
    Broken glass on side walk and road.
  • Street Lamp Arkiverad
    Front Street New Haven, Connecticut - Fair Haven
    Most of the Park lamps are out along the river side walkway. This is a safety issue for people walking down the path in the morning or evening. In addition, it encourages people to litter, leading to more river rats...etc.
  • 29 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Chatham Square

    A parking sign is down after a car crash in front of 29 Grand Av.

    A drunk driver hit the bank of snow in front of the house, ending up on the side walk at the door steps! The sign was violently hit and flew away like a projectile. The police put it down next to the tree so the city could pick it up easily. I'd appreciate it if you could remove it as soon as it is possible, as my neighbors and I see it as a possible hazard. Thank you in advance

  • 182 Front Street New Haven, CT 06513, USA - Chatham Square
    What's with the Grand Avenue bridge? Anyone knows?
  • 98 Hine Pl New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Bishop-Hine
    Pile of branches from Sandy ready for pick up in front of :
    15 Hine place, and
    104 Edwards street
    In east Rock.
    Thank you.
  • 195-199 Elm St Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Downtown
    Intersection elm and college - 9 am- City bus 347 goes full speed at red light through the intersection! I know they have to keep their schedule, but still!