
  • Wilson Ct San Rafael, California, 94901 - San Rafael
    Email rec'd from resident 7/28/2023 re: red curbing repainting: "Hello, the curb cuts on Wilson Court need red paint because people park here at night can cannot see that they’re blocking a driveway. And the often park so close to the curb cut that we can’t get in or out without almost hitting them. 10 and 11 Wilson Court are taken care of; both already have red curb markings at the driveway aprons."
  • Francisco Blvd W San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - San Rafael
    Glass in bike path right before freeway entrance next to Best Buy. Causing many flat tires has been here 3 weeks
  • 33-99 Robert Dollar Scenic Dr San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - San Rafael
    People speed on this narrow street often after doing drugs in their cars at this parking area
  • Lincoln Ave & Wilson Ct San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - San Rafael
    This crosswalk is super dangerous. People fly down Lincoln at breakneck speeds. The don’t stop for pedestrians or bikes. This is the only connector to a bike path which per the CA Vehicle code makes it so cars must yield to bikes. I have consulted a lawyer the confirmed that as long as I make eye contact w the driver and I’m already in the intersection I am not in the wrong. Nonetheless this is extremely unsafe.
  • Illegal Dumping Arkiverad
    1800 Lincoln Ave San Rafael, CA, 94901, USA - San Rafael
    Constant garbage here due to people parking here and dumping their trash